Designing data for consumption in a Kafka topic requires more forethought. Instead of the messages being a consumed from point to point, there are many different consumers. You will need to decide on: Name Schema Contents Key/Ordering Number of Partitions Number of...
I spoke at GOTO Chicago last week with Martin Fowler. He gave a keynote on The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture. It wasn’t tied to or specific to any particular technology. In this post, I’m applying some of his points specifically to Kafka and...
Having taught at companies around the world. I’ve found there are generally two types of companies. There are companies that consume technology and there are companies that create technology. Companies that consume technology are ones that take technology and...
There’s a common misconception that says if I just change one thing in Big Data, everything else will be easier. The answer is that there are several different hard problems in Big Data. Changing one problem doesn’t solve the other problems. Sometimes,...
Learning how to ask good questions is an important life skill. This skill doesn’t just help in business or professional life. It helps in your personal life too. When I’m teaching, I encourage questions. I ask them to ask questions all the time and as...
When educational material is created, it starts with a learning objective. It doesn’t matter it’s a book or a video series. This learning objective defines what the book is supposed to teach you. You’ll usually see this learning objective in the...