A little while ago a program called Haystack made news about its ability to hide data from their censors. The reporter’s description of how the program worked didn’t sound possible and I just assumed the reporters got it wrong. It turns out I was right....
Apple has changed its policies opening the way for Flash apps. Another blogger says Android isn’t that open after all. Apple has decided to change its policies on apps. You now use cross-platform compilers like Flash to create an iPhone app. They are even...
The difficulties of user interface was not started with the advent of computers. It has been around for every piece of technology. I was watching The History Channel’s great documentary, America The Story Of Us. It was a very interesting documentary with one of...
If you are old enough on the web, you remember the time when Yahoo! supplanted Altavista as the search engine of choice. If you are less old, you remember the time when Google supplanted Yahoo! as the search engine of choice. I remember both occurring, but never...
Unless you have very long interviews, it is very difficult to have a candidate write a substantial amount of code. Â I think an interview can reliably deal with this by showing the interviewee a code sample and asking them about it. This code sample can not be a...