Googler Waves Goodbye

Googler Waves Goodbye

One of the members of Google’s Wave team left Google and explained why in a blog post. One of most curious statements he makes is “Google’s vaunted scalable software infrastructure is obsolete.” He doesn’t say why or give any proof as to...
Opinions on Interviews

Opinions on Interviews

I have written quite a bit about how broken software interviews are. I found a good write up on other suggestions for interviews. I think the best suggestion is: Let me offer a humble proposal: don’t interview anyone who hasn’t accomplished anything. Ever....

Apple’s Hardware and Software

Most people know I am not a big fan of Apple. I should clarify this as I am not a fan of Apple’s software (malware, what malware?). Their hardware, on the other hand, is well made and very nice. In my humble opinion, the best laptop on the market in a MacBook...
Life Without a Cellphone/Smartphone

Life Without a Cellphone/Smartphone

For the past 10 years I have had a cell phone and for 5 of those years I had a smartphone. I recently switched jobs and my previous company paid for my smartphone. As a result, I lost my smartphone and decided to spend some time without one. In many ways, the company...