I haven’t read a more poignant, thoughtful, and truthful E-mail to a CEO than this one. RIM has been on a downward spiral for years now and this Research in Motion employee really nails why it is happening to RIM. Although it addresses the problems at RIM, the...
Microsoft has released an SDK for the Kinect. If you were waiting to check out programming with the Kinect, now is the time. There is good documentation and better yet, a video quickstart. It was much easier than trudging through countless forums to figure things out....
One of my favorite Simpsons episodes has a scene where Mr. Burns brings Homer to his mansion (YouTube Video). One of his rooms has a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters. One of the monkeys writes a slightly incorrect line from Charles Dickens ‘It was the...
One of the members of Google’s Wave team left Google and explained why in a blog post. One of most curious statements he makes is “Google’s vaunted scalable software infrastructure is obsolete.” He doesn’t say why or give any proof as to...
I have written quite a bit about how broken software interviews are. I found a good write up on other suggestions for interviews. I think the best suggestion is: Let me offer a humble proposal: don’t interview anyone who hasn’t accomplished anything. Ever....