Mary Alice Berg (1936-2013)

Mary Alice Berg (1936-2013)

Mary Alice Berg was my grandma and she died peacefully on January 7, 2013 at the ripe old age of 76. She had a long bout with renal cancer that spread to other organs. The daughter of an Irish orphan mother and a German immigrant father, she was born, lived and died...

Big Data Congress

I’ll be speaking at the Big Data Congress in St. John, New Brunswick Canada. The session’s theme is the software that powers Big Data. I’ll be telling the Million Monkeys stories and answering questions. See you...

NFL Play By Play Analysis

Advanced NFL Stats just released the play by play of the 2002 season on. I some quick analysis of the data using Hive and MapReduce and decided to look at incomplete passes. The code is here on my GitHub account.   Update: Added in 2010...
Articles In Pragmatic Magazine

Articles In Pragmatic Magazine

I have written two articles published in Pragmatic Magazine to help with your move to The Cloud. The first article discusses the politics of moving to The Cloud in your company. The second article gives some insights in to how The Cloud can save you...
Articles In Pragmatic Magazine

The Screencast Experience

You might have heard about my screencast (sample video) that was published by Pragmatic Programmers. Before I started the project, I tried to look around to see if anyone had blogged about their experiences and I couldn’t find one. The closest posts I could find...