by Jesse Anderson | Jul 27, 2016 | Blog, Business, Data Engineering, Data Engineering is hard |
Some of the contenders for Big Data messaging systems are Apache Kafka, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, and Amazon Kinesis (not discussed in this post). While similar in many ways, there are enough subtle differences that a Data Engineer needs to know. These can range from nice... by Jesse Anderson | Jul 20, 2016 | Blog, Business, Data Engineering |
Kafka 0.10 is out. Here are the changes that developers need to know about. Here is the new URL to the Kafka 0.10 JavaDoc. KafkaConsumer The KafkaConsumer had a minor change to that allows you to specify a maximum number of messages to return. You can set this by... by Jesse Anderson | Jul 13, 2016 | Blog, Business, Data Engineering, Data Engineering is hard |
Apache Beam just had its first release. Now that we’re working towards the second release, 0.2.0-incubating, I’m catching up with the committers and users to ask some of the common questions about Beam. Each committer and user is sharing their own opinion... by Jesse Anderson | Jul 6, 2016 | Blog, Business, Data Engineering, Data Engineering is hard |
I had a conversation with another person in the Big Data field. We were discussing whether the Data Engineers would become a more common job title and migrate out of Silicon Valley. I told him yes. Big Data is downright complicated on many levels. There are too many... by Jesse Anderson | Jun 29, 2016 | Blog, Business, Data Engineering, Data Engineering is hard |
A common question beginners ask about Hadoop are the technical skills needed to get started. This helps level set what skills you need before you embark on a big data journey. For developers and administrators, I divide up the skills as those that required and those...